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Here's the list of my portfolio

TokoBeDia Project

TeamLab's Project learning about ASP.NET, Database, Report, etc.

Rainbow 7 Siege

TeamLab's Project learning about HTML CSS & Javascript

My Photography

Create with PHP and MySQL stack


here's my other portfolio


This is the Lab's Project to create the stationary website based on Laravel Framework. Focus on MVC (Model, View, Controller)

Netflix Clone

My Own mini project just for improve front-end development: HTML, CSS, Javascript

CV Website

Contains my background and all of my project that i've ever faced

World Clock

My Own mini project just for improve front-end development: HTML, CSS, Javascript. Not responsive yet

Habit Tracker

This is a project for final exam learning about architecture of web

Template Code

Contains basic template about programming language in C++


If you would like to send a message, you can hit my email and whatsapp number or you can fill the form that i created
+62 81215274999